When you are trying to keep belongings that you are not going to be using on a regular basis you have to find a place to store them. This can be hard when you want to keep your house looking its best. That is when the garage comes in handy. It was intended to be used to keep your vehicle in and out of the elements. That does not mean you can’t use the rest of the space for other items such as storage. Many people will use shelving in the garage to allow them space to keep things that are important to them but they will not be using on a regular basis. You want to make sure you realize what you are putting out in the area and then secure it. The items can be something that means a lot to you such as pictures, antiques and family heirlooms. The best way to secure these items is to make sure that your garage door is secure. This does not mean that you can just click the button and when the door closes you are good to go. This is a primary way to secure the space but there is more you can do.
United Garage Door Service Of North Las Vegas Lists Tips for How to Make a Garage Door More Secure
Avoid Clear Garage Door Windows: Many people want to have a garage door that is stylish and that might mean glass windows. There are panels that can be installed with your garage door that have windows as a way to stylize the space. The problem is that the windows can add a space for someone to look right in and know exactly what they want to steal. That is why if you choose to have windows on your garage door panels you want to choose a frosted glass. This will obscure the space so that no one can see what you are keeping in the garage.
Store Garage Door Opener Remote: The garage door is a great addition to a home and when you can use a remote clicker to get in and out of the space it is even more convenient. The clicker is something that many people put in their vehicle and just leave there. That is not a big deal if you park inside the garage but if you do not you are basically leaving a key out for a thief to attain. If someone is able to get in your car they can grab the clicker and open the door so they have access to anything they want. That is why it is better to take the remote with you in the house and take it out when you leave.
Zip Tie Emergency Garage Door Release Latch: The garage door is outfitted with a cord or latch that can be used if the motor goes out. It can also be used if someone wants access to your garage and they don’t have the clicker. Anyone can use a metal hanger to grab hold of the cord and pull it to allow them to manually open the door. That means that even if you closed it and took the clicker in they might still gain access. You want to zip tie the around where the cord is to secure it when you are out of town.
Garage Door Repairs & More in Aliante, Anthem, Desert Shores, Eldorado, Enterprise, Green Valley Ranch, Henderson, Inspirada, Mountain’s Edge, North LV, Paradise, Providence, Rhodes Ranch, Seven Hills, Silverado Ranch, Spring Valley, Summerlin, Sunrise Manor, The Lakes, Tuscany Village & Las Vegas Nevada
United Garage Door Service Of North Las Vegas can come out to your home and ensure that your garage door is secured and in good working condition.