Are you interested in upgrading your garage door but feeling overwhelmed by the vast array of selections available on today’s market? If you feel unsure you are certainly not alone, in fact according to the knowledgeable experts at Quality Garage Door Repair, there are numerous styles and features to choose from. To help you make the right choice for your home, consider asking yourself these six important questions and consulting with your Quality Garage Door installation specialist before committing to your overall design.
Garage Door Materials – Metal, Wood or Vinyl?
Both metal and wood constructions have many benefits, for example garage doors made from wood are renowned for their ability to create natural warmth. Metal garage doors made from steel or aluminium on the other hand are well known for their easy care. Many vinyl garage doors contain a UV resin that helps protect it from fading in our hot desert sun in Las Vegas. Discuss your needs with your Quality Garage Door Repair experienced professional to learn more about which fabrication is best suited for your home.
Insulated or Uninsulated Garage Doors
One of the most important considerations is the floor plan of your garage, for example is it attached or detached from your residence? If you have a bonus room above your garage that you plan on using for a guest bedroom, opt for an insulated garage door as opposed to a non-insulated. Most garages are used for more than just parking cars. In fact it is becoming more and more commonplace to see garage space used as a workout or hobby area. If this is the case, you definitely want to go with insulated instead of non-insulated. It’s well worth the investment.
Lifespan of Garage Door
Depending on the construction and components used in your garage door, you should expect your door to last for decades especially if you follow the maintenance guidelines set out by your Quality Garage Door professional.
Double or Single Garage Doors
Most home builders and designers agree that two garage doors lean to a much more balanced appearance to the exterior of your home than one garage door. That being said, it all comes down to personal preferences. Other considerations include the practicalities of two garage doors. If the opening mechanism on one of the doors is not working correctly, you can still access the other garage door when you need to.
Garage Door Headroom
In a perfect environment the ideal amount of space is 14 inches, 12 inches for the hardware and 2 inches of the electric door opener. If you have less than 14 inches, we can install a double track system that is designed especially for a reduced space. If you have more than 14 inches of headroom, or an architectural feature such as a sloped roof, the experts at Quality Garage Door Repair have you covered. In fact we can advise you on a hardware system regardless of the amount of headroom that you have available.
Solid Garage Door Construction or Windows?
When choosing between solid construction or windows there are two things that you will need to consider, lighting and practicality. For example if your garage does not have any other natural light sources you may want to consider windows in the design. If practicality is more important, specifically from a security stand point then selecting solid construction is the best option for you. The point is there is no set rule so go with the option which best supports your lifestyle.
Residential Garage Door Maintenance, Repairs & More in Las Vegas, Summerlin, North LV & Henderson Nevada
To learn more about garage door maintenance, repair, replacement, and new installation, contact the knowledgeable experts at Quality Garage Door Repair today.